PhD position in MSCA Network: Novel Attosecond Metrology Approaches for Free-Electron LasersFull PhD

Working Language
Application Deadline
31 Jan 2025
Starting Date
as soon as possible


Open Positions


Time Span

as soon as possible for 3 years

Application Deadline

31 Jan 2025



Type of Position

Full PhD

Working Language


Required Degree


Areas of study

Physics, Laser Technology, Optical Engineering, Experimental Physics



As part of the recently funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Training
Network Quantum information science and Ultrafast nonlinear coherent
control at the ATTOsecond timescale (QU-ATTO) funded by the European
Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program, we are
excited to offer a PhD position titled "Novel Attosecond Metrology
Approaches for Free-Electron Lasers."

The QU-ATTO network provides a comprehensive training program
designed to develop the next generation of researchers in quantum
information science and attosecond technology. PhD candidates within
the network will benefit from a wide range of training activities,
including webinars, scientific courses, and research-specific training
modules offered by QU-ATTO partners.

The research group of Prof. Sansone has demonstrated the generation
of attosecond pulses using the seeded free-electron laser FERMI along
with the ability to shape the amplitude and phases of these pulses.
Additionally, the group developed a novel shot-to-shot timing tool using
a Correlation Based Reconstruction of Attosecond pulses (CoBRA) and
performed two-color photoionization measurements despite the
stochastic relative phase of the two fields. This novel approach lead to
the observation of quantum interference and coherent control in noble
gases with attosecond precision.

The PhD candidate will focus on advancing attosecond metrology
schemes and extending their application in solid-state samples. This
includes developing numerical codes to characterize the temporal
structure of attosecond wavefronts by implementing covariance map
analysis for cross-correlation experiments that combine XUV attosecond
waveforms with infrared fields.

Further information at 2024-12 PhD QU-ATTO 1_Final.pdf 

Required Documents

Required Documents
  • Motivation letter
  • CV
  • Certificates
  • Transcripts
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