Wohnheim Wundtstraße 9Wundtstraße 9 · 01217 Dresden


Accommodation units with two single bedrooms or accommodation units with eight single bedrooms sharing kitchen and bathroom.
Plus unfurnished single-room apartments with a kitchenette and bathroom.
- Near to the TU and HTW, conveniently situated
- Last renovated in 2002


Studentenwerk Dresden


213 places

Rent deposit

300 EUR

Duration of housing

Contracts always run until the end of the regular study period. Foreign programme students receive a lease for at least four months, until the end of the planned study visit.

Duration of housing


TV connection


Shared facilities

Washing machines and dryers (cashless payment), cycle storage, elevator, party and fitness room in the building, outdoor sports facilities, 31 parking spaces

Shopping and infrastructure (supermarket, post office, bank, etc.)

On the ground floor of the Wundstraße1 dorms, you can find the WUeins canteen. There are classic lunch menu options and a la carte evening options, cocktails, and regularly changing options.

Special deals for international students

Students4Students - an initiative for foreign students

Type of rooms


DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service