Wohnanlage AllermöheStellbrinkweg 18-30 · 21035 Hamburg


The housing complex opened in 1996 is located close to Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in Bergedorf and is easily accessible by urban railway (S21).

The house provides 227 rooms in group apartments. Rooms are 13-15 square metres in size and some of them are unfurnished. There are several 2- and 3-room apartments, which are primarily rented to couples or single parents with a child. Residents share a fully equipped communal kitchen in every apartment. All rooms have internet, telephone and cable TV connection.


Studierendenwerk Hamburg


227 places

Rent deposit

400-800 EUR

Duration of housing

The standard tenancy period is limited to 48 months, and in halls with low demand to 60 months.
Tenants can apply for an extension in written form. The application must be filed (at the latest) two months prior to the expiration of the contract.

Duration of housing


TV connection


Shared facilities

Underground parking facilities for cars and motorbikes can be rented from the property management service. A bike cellar and a bike workshop are also provided. There are also music rooms, a study room, a common room, and a fitness room.

Shopping and infrastructure (supermarket, post office, bank, etc.)

A shopping centre is nearby and a supermarket, bakery, pharmacy, and bank are within walking distance.

Special deals for international students

Tutoring programme for international students:
Tutor Welcome Programme

Type of rooms


DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service