International Programmes Digital (IP Digital)

Weltweit vernetzte Partner, die mit Laptops, Tablets und mobil arbeiten.

The DAAD funding programme IP Digital supports the digitalisation of existing international Masters' study programmes.

Digital transformation is changing the German and international higher education landscape to a significant degree. Germany's high appeal in the international eye as a location for study and academia has long been predicated on its offer of attendance programmes. This is rapidly changing, however, due to the huge digitalisation push that German higher education institutions have experienced given the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular in the Anglo-American area, the demand for digital courses is increasing and as a consequence their supply. Digital study programmes enable new forms of study as they overcome physical distance and frequent restrictions to mobility. The deployment of digital media, innovative teaching and learning tools and the use of virtual platforms for data exchange do not merely promote interaction between students. Digital study is also shaping a new image of higher education in Germany with innovative study programmes that are indispensable for international competitiveness. 

With the IP Digital funding programme, DAAD has supported the digitalisation of already successful, internationally oriented Master's degree programmes between 2020 and 2022. Higher education institutions should be enabled to meet the enormous increase in demand for digital degree programmes.

The programme ended in 2022 and will not be recalled. You can find programme results, voices from the projects and an overview of the funded projects in the sections below.

  • Factsheet of the DAAD funding programme "International Programmes Digital" (IP Digital)


    Factsheet of the IP Digital programme (only available in German)







    Accompanying evaluation of the digital DAAD funding programmes

    We are also excited to share more results of our accompanying study on the digital funding programmes with you. On the Community Building website you will find the overall report, an overall factsheet of all digital programmes as well as the sub-reports on the topics of competences and their development, strategic embedding of the projects and their implementation, vision of modern learning, contribution to Germany's attractiveness as a study location and contribution to society. The factsheets for the programmes IMKD and IVAC can be found on the respective programe websites. The documents are only available in German, except for the general report.


    Field report from the projects

    The projects funded in the programme IP Digital at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, Leipzig University, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg and Osnabrück University joined forces at the end of the project to share their experiences of hybrid teaching in international degree programmes with the interested university community. The results are now available in the form of a report.





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