Proposal for an online event with Alumniportal Deutschland
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Type of the online event

Please suggest a format for your online event. Check this link for the discription of the event types. 

If you already discussed with one of the team members of the Alumniportal, please choose the format you have agreed upon. 

Description of the event 
Max. 1.500 characters
Learning objectives or takeways
Max. 500 characters
Name of the trainer 
About yourself / trainer

Write in 3rd person one or two paragraphs about yourself. It will become part of the event announcement. Topics that are good to write about:

  • Current job role, company
  • Attended universities
  • Research focus
  • Alumni network
  • Awards, important publications or books you have written
  • Social involvement and interesting hobbies.
Email address
Please suggest a date for the event
Open date/time selector
Recommended number of participants
If relevant, please mention also the minimum and maximum number of participants. 
Anything else we should consider, e.g. target group, prefered online meeting tool such as Zoom, MS Teams, Webex, etc. or any other tools (e.g. Mentimeter, ...) we have to provide for the event.