Registration form: "Workshops on Science Communication 2024"
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To register for one or more science communication workshops, please fill in your personal data and select the workshop modules (and the respective dates) that you prefer.
(This question is mandatory)
General data
(This question is mandatory)
Please select your preferred dates for the basic module "Storytelling and Message Distilling".
(This question is mandatory)
Please select the advanced module(s) that interest you.
Please note that "Module II: Personal Branding and Academic Networking using Social Media" will be offered twice due to high demand. Please select the module that suits your preferred time slots. 
(This question is mandatory)
Please tell us which project you are currently working on and why you would like to take part in the workshops. This information helps the trainers prepare the content individually so that you can practice communicating your own cases.
(This question is mandatory)
I confirm that I have read and agree to the terms of privacy policy of the Alumniportal Deutschland.