Portal for internship providers!

Researchers from accredited universities and non-profit research institutions can submit an internship offer for which German students from the fields of engineering, natural and earth sciences, medicine, computer science or related disciplines may apply. A successful applicant will receive a DAAD scholarship to carry out a research stay in your working group.

Becoming a host for an intern in summer

If you want to submit a project offer, please register at the RISE Worldwide Internship database from August 15 through September 30.


Please include your name and contact data on the project description  including the webpage of your institute. Many applicants only print out the description itself. With no contact data they have problems finding  the project in the database one more time. The project  description should not be longer than one page and must be uploaded in pdf format.

Please mention the following aspects in the project description:

  • scientific research questions
  • experimental approach
  • possible prospective tasks of the intern
  • general information about the work group, the university and the region


Martina Ludwig
Scholarship Programs  North America, RISE
DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service
Kennedyallee 50
53175 Bonn
phone: +49 228 882- 104
email: rise-ww@daad.de