Pictures and impressions from RISE Worldwide interns
RISE WorldwideVideocontest 2023
1. Place: Mira Rufeger from Leuphania University Lüneburg did her internship at the University of Roehampton in Great Britain: RISE Worldwide experience by Mira Rufeger
2. Place: Arthur Wohlfahrt from Leibniz University Hannover did his internship at University of York: RISE Worldwide experience by Arthur Wohlfahrt
3. Place: Lorenz Oehler from University Leipzig did his internship at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) : RISE Worldwide experience by Lorenz Oehler
RISE Worldwide Fotocontest 2023
1. Place: Emily Locke University Heidelberg – University of Bergen in Norwergen .
2. Place: Amisha Rai Constuctor University Bremen – Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences .
3. Place: Lorenz Oehler University Leipzig – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)in Mexiko.
4. Place: Thomas Heim Ostbayerische TH Regensburg – University of California in Riverside, USA.
5. Place: Patricia Rühl Technische Hochschule Bingen – University of Roehampton in Great Britain.
Pictures and Impressions of the RISE Worldwide interns
Photocontest 2018 – RISE Worldwide
We got many pictures from our RISE Worldwide interns of 2018. They were all great. We are happy to present you in this gallery the winner pictures of 2018:
1. Platz: Katharina Fesch
2. Platz: Michael Bornholdt
3. Platz: Antonia Hildebrandt
3. Platz: Leonie Breidenbach
3. Platz: Josef Freudenstein
3. Platz: Anja Catharina Rathgeber
3. Platz: Sabrina Frohn
3. Platz: Lara Vanessa Behrmann
3. Platz: Mario Gaimann
3. Platz: Lea Helena Richter
Photo Contest 2017 – RISE Weltweit
We received many pictures from our RISE Worldwide 2017 participants. Now the pictures have been reviewed. It is our pleasure to announce the winners of the Photo Contest 2017 – RISE Worldwide.
Have a look at our Gallery:
1st Place: Lennart Schreiber
2nd Place: Lina Kalz
3rd Place: Ian Clotworthy
3rd Place: Katharina Rief
3rd Place: Ruth Vollmert
3rd Place: Franz Lehmann
3rd Place: Angela Sievernich
3rd Place: Anik Halder
3rd Place: Manfred Ritz
3rd Place: Mario Gaiman