University of Education Weingarten: Internationalisation of teacher education

Recognition of internationalisation experience

Including curricular and extra-curricular activities


Background information on recognition

Recognition by the University of Education Weingarten (PHW) of achievements abroad is a process that involves a lot of time, investigation and communication in which students, teaching staff and the International Office require a lot of information and work closely together. A ‘digital toolbox’ was developed to facilitate this process and thus bolster the attractiveness of stays abroad.

Digital toolbox relating to recognition

Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten

Its purpose is to compile and make available information and advisory services covering all aspects of recognition (Building block 1) and to develop a new concept for extra-curricular recognition by means of a ‘Global Education’ certificate (Building block 2). Students and teaching staff at the University of Education Weingarten can access this ‘digital toolbox’ via various online platforms – but mainly the homepage and learning platform ‘moopaed’.

Building block 1: Information and advice regarding recognition

This comprises the following:

  • A tabular compilation of the modules relating to each subject and study programme, the core of which highlights those modules that have a good chance of recognition and are therefore particularly suitable for being completed abroad.
  • A tabular compilation of the events/modules that have already been verified abroad (sorted by university) and recognised by the University of Education Weingarten.
  • The design of an information event to explain the recognition process and how to manage the aforementioned information formats, and for questions from students.
  • The compilation of a ’Mobility Dossier’ information brochure for each subject, including key information regarding semesters abroad and internships abroad in the respective subject. This was made available to the staff for each subject to enable them to advise their students.
  • Process easements through collaboration with the Examination Office to adapt forms and clarify the recognition process after the semester abroad has ended. These efforts have made the process less time-consuming for both recognition staff and students.

Building block 2: Extra-curricular recognition by means of the ‘Global Education’ certificate

This comprises the following:

  • The new design of a ‘Global Education’ certificate as an opportunity to recognise key global extra-curricular skills. This enables learning and commitment relating to global topics during studies at home and abroad to be honoured and recognised. It involves: Courses (online and on-site) that are attended at higher education institutions abroad and/or at the University of Education Weingarten, language courses and commitments/internships. The scope equates to 30 ETCS credits. Further information on this is available here.
  • Design of an information event for presentation of the certificate that contains the process and an explanation of the ‘moopaed’ course in which all the information that students require to earn the certificate is collated.

Studies without borders

Student Voices

Hannah Ahlbrecht, Studentin des Lehramts für Sekundarstufe I an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Weingarten
Planning a semester abroad can be challenging given the many hurdles that could block your path to the destination country. The modular table removed some of these hurdles for me so that I could relax and look forward to my time abroad.
Hannah Ahlbrecht, student teacher for secondary level I at the University of Education Weingarten
Marius Hägele, Student des Lehramts für Sekundarstufe I an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Weingarten
I believe that global education or intercultural skills represent a key competence of the last century. They are becoming ever more important, not only in the private but also in the professional sphere, to enable you to live successfully and peacefully in a globalised and diverse world. It was therefore important for me personally to continue developing myself in this domain and I think it’s excellent that you can earn such a certificate at the University of Education Weingarten.
Marius Hägele, student teacher for secondary level I at the University of Education Weingarten
Salome Ehrenberger
The information event included a presentation of the partner universities and direct personal interaction with a contact person, which enabled me to gain initial valuable insights into what the forthcoming semester in America would entail. I found the dialogue with other outgoing students especially helpful in allaying my concerns and establishing valuable contacts for the start of my international adventure.
Salome Ehrenberger, student primary school teacher at the University of Education Weingarten
My expectations of myself and my studies in the USA have been more than met. The recognition by PHW of my achievements abroad proved to be easier than previously assumed. Information events and my interaction with international students resulted in me becoming significantly more self-confident – from both a professional and personal perspective.
Barbara Sellmair, student teacher for secondary level I at the University of Education Weingarten

Networking and exchange


Cooperation has existed since 2020 among the Lehramt.International projects ILAP (University of Education Weingarten), IMPACCT (University of Gießen)Partners in Mobility (University of Flensburg) and UNITE Cologne (University of Cologne). Over subsequent years these were joined by the projects Humboldt International Teacher Training (HU Berlin)IDEAS, University of Jena and INVITE (Ludwigsburg University of Education). Joint presentations and publications, joint professional development events and the initiation of events for students and colleagues have also been arranged in addition to administrative exchange.


We have been cooperating with our international project partners in various areas since 2020. These in particular include student exchange and virtual international teaching (virtual exchange). Any associated issues repeatedly involve the matter of recognition. Our international project partners are:

Further information and contacts

Project homepage


Sabine Lang
Project coordination / International Office