Two students in library

CHE University Ranking

Facts and Information

Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mosbach
Campus Bad Mergentheim

Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mosbach
Campus Bad Mergentheim

Schloss 2
D-97980 Bad Mergentheim
Telephone: +49 6261 939 0

Further Locations

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  • University

Basic information

Kind of Institution and funding body
University of cooperative education, public
Year of foundation
Total number of Students
Students at this campus
Semester contribution
250.00 €
Tuition fees
There are no study fees.

Students by type of degree pursued

Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Teacher qualification degree
Pre-Bologna degrees
Other types of degrees

Central services

Opening hours central student counselling

Special features regarding the library

Locations: Campus Bad Mergentheim, Schloss 2 97980 Bad Mergentheim; Stock: 17,174 media units; 40 journal titles; Services: Free interlibrary loans between the two campuses; Appealing and modern learning environment; Access to electronic resources off campus via VPN and Shibboleth
more information

Foreign language center and courses

There is no foreign language centre.

Special features regarding university sports

The university offers its own sports programme. Some courses are free of charge, some subject to fees. The DHBW Bad Mergentheim campus offers a wide range of sports in cooperation with local clubs; memberships are subject to a proportionate fee. The campus itself has a well-equipped gym, sports facilities including several ball sports, and a full-body workout programme, all offered free of charge.
more information

Last update 2025: Data collected by the CHE Center for Higher Education

DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service