Two students in library

CHE University Ranking

Facts and Information

Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart
Campus Stuttgart

Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart
Campus Stuttgart

CHEC: Rotebühlstr. 133
D-70197 Stuttgart
Telephone: +49 711 1849-664


Further locations in Heidenheim, Heilbronn, Karlsruhe, Lörrach, Mannheim, Mosbach, Ravensburg, Friedrichshafen, Villingen-Schwenningen.

Further Locations

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  • University

Basic information

Kind of Institution and funding body
University of cooperative education, public
Year of foundation
Total number of Students
Students at this campus
Semester contribution
no data
Tuition fees
There are no study fees.

Students by area of study

Medicine, Health Science
Natural Sciences, Mathematics
Law, Economic and Social Sciences
Humanities, Languages
Engineering Science (incl. Computer Science)
Other studies

Students by type of degree pursued

Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Teacher qualification degree
Pre-Bologna degrees
Other types of degrees

Central services

Opening hours central student counselling

Special features regarding the library

Locations: DHBW Stuttgart, 1. Stock, Kronenstraße 53 B, 70174 Stuttgart; DHBW Stuttgart, Rotebühlstraße 131, 70197 Stuttgart, Raum 0.12; Stock: More than 60,000 specialist books in the areas of Social Services, Technology, Economics and Health as well as about 180 trade journals; 27,600 trade journals in electronic form; Approx. 411,500 e-books; Service: The library offers the following training courses for students: Library use, targeted research in databases, Citavi and Zotero reference management programme. Groups of ten or more people or entire courses can register by e-mail with their desired dates. Registration for fixed dates via Moodle.
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Foreign language center and courses

There is a foreign language centre. Languages offered: English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Turkish, Filipino, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Irish, Korean, Persian, Dutch, Four Names
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Special features regarding university sports

The university offers its own sports programme. In the courses offered in cooperation with the University of Stuttgart, it is also possible to take part in university sports at the University of Stuttgart. Participation is free of charge. We have made it our task to motivate the students and employees of DHBW Stuttgart to actively and regularly do sports and to create the ideal framework for this. We pass on our own enthusiasm for sport and passion to our target groups in order to stimulate them to practice sport for life and to enjoy movement. As a partner university of top-class sport, DHBW Stuttgart supports senior athletes in their balancing act between studying and top-class sport.

Last update 2024: Data collected by the CHE Center for Higher Education

DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service