Two students in library

CHE University Ranking

Architecture, Department

Fachbereich 1: Architektur - Bauingenieurwesen - Geomatik

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Fachbereich 1: Architektur - Bauingenieurwesen - Geomatik
Lehreinheit Architektur
Nibelungenplatz 1
D-60318 Frankfurt am Main
Telephone: +49 691 533-0
Frankfurt UAS
Department on the internet
Map of Germany

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  • Department

Basic information

Total number of students at the department


Job market- and career-orientation

Professional qualification as an architect

qualification according to UIA / UNESCO standard

Further information provided by the department

Special features regarding teaching

Relevance to real-life practice and application of teaching content and student projects; Organisation of and participation in many excursions, workshops and competitions such as the engineering project in Germany and abroad, participation in the international project week in collaboration with 6 partner universities; Per semester experts forums and lecture series at the interface between research and science "Frankfurter Hochhaustage" (Frankfurt High-Rise Days); Close personal contact to the teaching staff, individually focused student supervision in learning/seminar groups; Intensive didactic use and promotion of e-learning.

Special features regarding the international orientation

Promotion of studies abroad, intensive contacts maintained with 37 partner universities, a postgraduate Master's degree course in Urban Agglomerations is taught entirely in English for the target group of foreign students, with integrated study visit abroad at a global partner university in the portfolio of the department, many international projects, workshops, excursions, scholarship/exchange programmes, e.g. from Hong Kong to Shanghai; Brazil, Eastern Europe; truly international through students from more than 100 countries.

Special features regarding the equipment

i.Lab, model building workshop, PC pools in Fb 1, reference library, solar simulation, large art room; Research laboratory for post-war modernism; Laboratory for textile-based lightweight construction

Special features regarding research and development

The Frankfurt Research Institute for Architecture; Civil Engineering; Geomatics (FFin) stands for research competence in planning, construction and operation in the Frankfurt Rhine-Main conurbation. The current specialist groups of the FFin are: New mobility, rapid planning, textile lightweight construction, EE land management, municipal policy as e-gaming, Sirene, post-war modernism. With its planning and construction-related disciplines, the FFin demonstrates a special social responsibility for sustainable structural development and the well-being of people in urban and rural areas.

Support for founders

2 contact persons in the field of research for start-ups, own Master’s degree programme on the topic of ‘Entrepreneurship and Business Development’ (Department 3), own Institute for Entrepreneurship (IFE): IFE is the substantive point of contact for the EXIST programme of the BMWi. Start-up advisory services in cooperation with Die Wirtschaftspaten e.V.; Support through start-up support and competitions

Other special features

Offers of the centre for technical language; Self-learning centre with work rooms, PC pools, reference library and café; 2 student union campus cafés; Central library and group work rooms: over 210,180 books, over 307 journal subscriptions, more than 82,072 e-Media; Job portal for students and alumni; Doctorate funding, mentor network, families office, child care; Research-oriented children's nursery; accessibility; IT services campus; Campus+: Culture, big band, university choir; Contributions by students, sustainability strategy

Further information on research activities

Information on access restrictions

Website of the Student Council





top group


middle group


bottom group
Not specified
not specified


(S) = Students' judgements

(F) = Facts

(P) = Professors' judgements


Value in percent

Value in points


Thousand Euro

Last Update 2022: Data collected by the CHE Center for Higher Education
DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service