Two students in library

CHE University Ranking

Business Administration, Department

Fakultät für Management und Vertrieb (MV)

Hochschule Heilbronn

Fakultät für Management und Vertrieb (MV)
Ziegeleiweg 4
D-74523 Schwäbisch Hall
Telephone: +49 791 946313-0
HS Heilbronn/Schwäbisch Hall
Department on the internet
Map of Germany

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  • Department

Basic information

Total number of students at the department


Number of master degree students (w/o teacher qualification)


Percentage of teaching by practitioners


Percentage of teaching by practitioners, master's


Support during the study entry phase

Total score for support in the study entry phase

13/16 points

Job market- and career-orientation

Bachelor theses in cooperation with work environment


Master theses in cooperation with work environment



Cooperative doctoral degrees (in three years)


Third party funds per professor

no data

Students' assessments on undergraduate, presence-learning-courses

Teacher support
Support in studies
Courses offered
Study organisation
Exam organisation
Digital teaching elements
Introduction to scientific work
Offers for career orientation
Support during practical semester
Practical orientation in teaching
Support for stays abroad
Overall study situation
Return rate of the questionnaires


Students' assessments on consecutive master's degree courses

Teacher support

Not specified
Support in studies

Not specified
Digital teaching elements

Not specified
Practical orientation in teaching

Not specified
Courses offered

Not specified
Study organisation

Not specified
Transition to Master's studies

Not specified
Research orientation

Not specified
Support for stays abroad

Not specified
Overall study situation

Not specified
Return rate of the questionnaires

no data

Further information provided by the department

Special features regarding teaching

Functional alignment on a company's value chain, specialisations in important primary and secondary areas, in particular unique management and sales training tailored to industrial sectors, as well as integration of sustainability aspects.

Special features regarding the international orientation

The faculty is the only German member of the "Global Academic Initiative" of East Carolina University. In the "Global Understanding" event, our students get to know fellow students from various universities around the world via video conference. The students can deepen their English skills in international "teams". There is also an annual exchange as part of a case study project with the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. The German-American group spends a week in Schwäbisch Hall, works in teams on case studies and presents them together.

Exchange universities for stay abroads

Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Zwolle, Niederlande; University of Szeged, Szeged, Ungarn; LAB University of Applied Sciences, Lappeenranta, Finnland; Wroclaw University of Economics, Wroclaw, Polen; Camosun College, Victoria, British Columbia, Kanada; Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spanien; Université de Rennes I, Rennes, Frankreich; Universidad de Jaén, Jaén, Spanien; National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kiew, Ukraine; National Taipei University, New Taipei City, Taiwan.

Special features regarding the equipment

There are three computer pools with 21 computers each. Software can be used by students, professors and employees via a Citrix client. Students have access to Office 365, so they can use the Office package for their academic purposes. The campus offers EDUROAM as a WiFi solution. A team for technical inquiries is available for all members of Heilbronn University. The Schwäbisch Hall campus offers the following software for students: Microsoft Excel, SAP Predictive Analytics, R and IBM SPSS Statistics 25. MySQL databases are used as database systems.

Special features regarding research activities

Close research relationships exist with the universities Kyiev National Economic University named after Wadym-Hetman (focus: Cross-cultural communication and management) and Tallinn University of Technology (focus: Sustainable operations management and supply chain management); Business Science Institute Luxembourg; Université Jean Moulin Lyon as part of the Doctorate of Business Administration programme

Support for founders

The STARTKLAR start-up centre at Heilbronn University helps young people implement their ideas and inventions and become entrepreneurially active. Heilbronn University is also a partner of the MAFINEX founders' association Rhein-Neckar e.V. This initiates and supports innovative start-ups from the university.

Other special features

Close integration with companies in the so-called region of world market leaders.

Information on access restrictions

Website of the Student Council





top group


middle group


bottom group
Not specified
not specified


(S) = Students' judgements

(F) = Facts

(P) = Professors' judgements


Value in percent

Value in points


Thousand Euro

Last Update 2023: Data collected by the CHE Center for Higher Education
DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service