Two students in library

CHE University Ranking

Nursing Science, Department

Medizinische Fakultät

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Medizinische Fakultät
Institut für Gesundheits- und Pflegewissenschaft
Magdeburger Straße 8
D-06112 Halle (Saale)
Telephone: +49 345 55 74466
Uni Halle-Wittenberg
Department on the internet
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  • Department

Basic information

Total number of students at the department


Number of master degree students (w/o teacher qualification)


Percentage of teaching by practitioners


Percentage of teaching by practitioners, master's


Cooperative Education

Students in cooperative education

no data

Support during the study entry phase

Total score for support in the study entry phase

12/14 points

Job market- and career-orientation

Bachelor theses in cooperation with work environment

no data

Master theses in cooperation with work environment

no data


Cooperative doctoral degrees (in three years)


Third party funds per professor

no data

Not specified

Students' assessments on undergraduate, presence-learning-courses

Teacher support

Not specified
Support in studies

Not specified
Courses offered

Not specified
Study organisation

Not specified
Exam organisation

Not specified
Digital teaching elements

Not specified
Introduction to scientific work

Not specified
Offers for career orientation

Not specified
Support during practical semester

Not specified
Practical orientation in teaching

Not specified
Support for stays abroad

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified
Skills labs

Overall study situation

Not specified
Return rate of the questionnaires

no data

Further information provided by the department

Special features regarding teaching in the bachelor's degree programme

The lecturers have proven academic expertise and are qualified through continuing education and by attending the annual university teaching training offered by the faculty. A large part of the teaching in the medical subjects is done by clinically active university lecturers. They impart the latest knowledge when it comes to clinical practice, invite reflection and allow students to participate in current research developments.

Special features regarding teaching in the master's programmes

The lecturers have proven academic expertise and are qualified through continuing education and by attending the annual university teaching training offered by the faculty. They impart the latest knowledge when it comes to clinical practice, invite reflection and allow students to participate in current research developments. The teaching is evaluated in regular teaching conferences of the institute and the feedback of the students is taken into account in the design of the teaching.

Special features regarding the international orientation

International guest researchers complete internships or project stays, participate in courses and offer students the opportunity to gain an insight into ongoing and completed projects. The lecturers of the faculty themselves are partly involved in international projects and operate in international working groups. The "German Centre for of Evidence-based Nursing" at the institute (IGPW) is embedded in the global network of EBN centres. Through existing cooperations, there are opportunities for work placements and the design of student theses.

Exchange universities for stay abroads

School of Medicine and Department of Pharmacy, University of Padua; Lithuanian University of Health Sciences of Kaunas; IPW Institut für Angewandte Pflegewissenschaft, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule; McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Special features regarding the equipment

The faculty's Dorothea-Erxleben learning centre offers the option to practice care situations (advising patients, organising ward rounds, etc.) in the actor patient programme. Students visit learning stations for manual and communicative skills together with medical students (interprofessional learning). A computer pool and a campus library are available at the location of the Institute for Health and Nursing Sciences and at the university clinic, both for teaching as well as for free use by students.

Special features regarding research activities

The Institute of Health and Nursing Sciences has an established research infrastructure, where students are given an insight into the projects that are active in the field of health research, nursing research, therapy research and midwifery research. Points of research focus: Nursing and support for the elderly and chronically ill, evidence-based practice, patient-centred interprofessional research in oncology, health care provided by midwives and family midwives (midwifery science), health care research.

Other special features

In the modules, discrimination-sensitive health care is promoted through selected cases and scenarios and as part of reflections.

Further information on research activities

Information on access restrictions

Website of the Student Council





top group


middle group


bottom group
Not specified
not specified


(S) = Students' judgements

(F) = Facts

(P) = Professors' judgements


Value in percent

Value in points


Thousand Euro

Last Update 2024: Data collected by the CHE Center for Higher Education
DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service