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CHE University Ranking

Physics, Department

Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
Universitätsstraße 150
D-44801 Bochum
Uni Bochum
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  • Department

Basic information

Total number of students at the department


Number of master degree students (w/o teacher qualification)


Support during the study entry phase

Total score for support in the study entry phase

13/16 points

International orientation

Share of anglophone research groups



Research profile (distribution of PhD theses)

  • Optical, Quantum Optical, Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics: 22.6%
  • Surface Physics and Nanostructures: 1.9%
  • Solid-state and Materials Physics: 24.5%
  • Particle Physics: 28.3%
  • Astrophysics and Astronomy: 18.9%
  • Soft matter physics, Biological and Chemical Physics, interdisciplinary works: 3.8%

Students' assessments on undergraduate, presence-learning-courses

Teacher support
Support in studies
Courses offered
Study organisation
Exam organisation
Digital teaching elements
Laboratory internships
Research orientation

Introduction to scientific work
Offers for career orientation
Support for stays abroad
Overall study situation
Return rate of the questionnaires


Further information provided by the department

Special features regarding teaching in the bachelor's degree programme

We offer intensive support at the commencement of studies, with academic support in the form of the "optimization of the initial study phase" project. The aim of the project is to identify and reduce the obstacles during the initial study phase. The building blocks are the study network with student scouts, a standardisation of exams and a cohort analysis. In addition, there are also peer mentoring modules and the "SOWAS" ("Like this") project internship. Our extensive counselling network and the willingness of our teaching staff to listen whenever necessary create a comfortable environment.

Special features regarding teaching in the master's programmes

Our English-language M.Sc. offers unique flexibility in terms of the choice of modules in the first year of study and a very wide range of research directions. This allows students to determine their specialisation individually. The subject-specific "Project Management" module, which provides students with professional qualifications, offers an initial look at work life. The "Scientific English" course helps introduce students to technical language, and the alumni seminar enables students to establish initial contact with future employers.

Special features regarding the international orientation

Students have a unique opportunity to actively participate in international research. The working groups are involved in numerous international projects, combined with a strong presence at national and international large-scale research facilities (e.g. CERN, IceCube, H.E.S.S., etc.). Stays abroad are supported in all degree courses (mobility window) and supported by a language course for special applications. The faculty has offered the MSc since 2021. The Physics degree programme is taught exclusively in English in order to integrate international students and teachers and for the purpose of joint degrees. Students are involved in international research cooperations of the work groups, the proportion of students of a class who take advantage of this option for exchange is about 15 percent.

Exchange universities for stay abroads

Uni Bilbao, Spanien; Uni Madrid, Spanien; Uni Valencia, Spanien; Uni Paris Saclay, Frankreich; Uni Lisabon, Portugal; Uni Stockholm, Schweden; Uni Uppsala, Schweden; Uni York, UK; Uni Tromso, Norwegen; Uni Catania, Italien

Special features regarding the equipment

Our practicals are state-of-the-art and constantly optimised (e.g. setting up a Jupyter hub). Students have a workroom with multimedia equipment, a practicals workshop, computer rental equipment and an IT room with specialist software at their disposal free of charge. For final theses, students have access to state-of-the-art laboratory equipment and national and international large-scale research facilities (CERN, etc.); mainframe computers are available. All teaching rooms are equipped with video conferencing systems and some with smartboards.

Special features regarding research activities

Our motto "From Matter to Materials" reflects a broad spectrum from research of basic principles to application orientation. The faculty has a strong focus on research, is interdisciplinary and has an excellent international network. In addition to the numerous individual funding projects, there are a number of research networks in which the Faculty of Physics at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum acts as the spokesperson (Collaborative Research Centres SFB 1316 Astrophysics and CRC 1491 Plasma Physics) or is otherwise involved. Close collaboration with the Jülich Research Centre, the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) in Cologne, the MPI for Iron Research in Düsseldorf, CERN and IceCube.

Other special features

The faculty has a diversity officer and two inclusion officers who promote the further development of the faculty in this regard. Courses held by the faculty can be counted toward the acquisition of the sustainability certificate of the Ruhr University. The initial phase of studies is currently being fundamentally evaluated and optimized (e.g. by setting up learning analytics for the start of studies and a monitoring system for the entire course of studies). Finally, we would like to mention our outstanding offers for student advice and counselling.

Further information on research activities

Further information about study entry phase

Information on access restrictions

Website of the Student Council





top group


middle group


bottom group
Not specified
not specified


(S) = Students' judgements

(F) = Facts

(P) = Professors' judgements


Value in percent

Value in points


Thousand Euro

Last Update 2024: Data collected by the CHE Center for Higher Education
DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service