Two students in library

CHE University Ranking

Physics, Department

Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Universitätsstraße 40
D-91054 Erlangen
Uni Erl.-Nürnb./Erlangen
Department on the internet

Degree courses with details

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  • Department

Basic information

Total number of students at the department


Number of master degree students (w/o teacher qualification)


Support during the study entry phase

Total score for support in the study entry phase

14/16 points

International orientation

Share of anglophone research groups



Research profile (distribution of PhD theses)

  • Optical, Quantum Optical, Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics: 38.7%
  • Surface Physics and Nanostructures: 6.3%
  • Solid-state and Materials Physics: 10.8%
  • Particle Physics: 0%
  • Astrophysics and Astronomy: 26.1%
  • Soft matter physics, Biological and Chemical Physics, interdisciplinary works: 18%

Students' assessments on undergraduate, presence-learning-courses

Teacher support
Support in studies
Courses offered
Study organisation
Exam organisation
Digital teaching elements
Laboratory internships
Research orientation

Introduction to scientific work
Offers for career orientation
Support for stays abroad
Overall study situation
Return rate of the questionnaires


Students' assessments on consecutive master's degree courses

Teacher support
Support in studies
Digital teaching elements
Practical orientation in teaching
Courses offered
Study organisation
Transition to Master's studies
Research orientation
Support for stays abroad

Not specified
Overall study situation
Return rate of the questionnaires


Further information provided by the department

Special features regarding teaching in the bachelor's degree programme

Good support in the form of small groups thanks to "dual support"; A very good teacher-student ratio (1 professor for about every 22 students); Programming internship in the first semester; Innovative internships (project groups, modern electronics internships); "Electronic Service Centre" (students have access to the electronics internship equipment and can independently design circuits that create and assemble circuit boards); New high-quality CIP pool; Broad range of specialisations in the master's degree programme; Research field of study that is unique in Germany; Specialised English courses for physicists.

Special features regarding teaching in the master's programmes

Option of aligning the master's degree requirements through module studies; Range of specialist English courses.

Special features regarding the international orientation

The Master's degree programme in Physics is offered in English, as is the Master's part of the research degree course. The ERASMUS+ programme supports students who complete stays abroad (with a dedicated Erasmus coordinator for physics). Students are involved in international research cooperations of the work groups, the proportion of students of a class who take advantage of this option for exchange is about 35 percent.

Exchange universities for stay abroads

University of York, UK; Imperial College London, UK; Universite Lille 1, Sciences et Technologies, Frankreich; Universtät Grenoble, Frankreich; Universität Parma, Italien; Universität Krakau, Polen; Universität Lund, Schweden; Universität Santander, Spanien; Karlsuniversität Prag; Universität Belgrad, Serbien

Special features regarding the equipment

Modern, well-equipped electronics practicals; Computer centre with high-performance computing; Modern multimedia equipment in the lecture halls and seminar rooms; Investment in well-equipped centres such as OICE (Optical Imaging Centre Erlangen) and CENEM (Centre for Nanoanalysis and Electron Microscopy). Private physics sub-library in the building (with online access to relevant literature); New ECAP research building.

Special features regarding research activities

Broad range of key areas of research: Astro- and astro particle physics, optics and quantum optics, quantum technology, physics in the life sciences; Close cooperation with local research institutes and facilities: Collaborative Research Centres (Quantum Cooperativity of Light and Matter), Research Groups and Research Training Groups; Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Fraunhofer Institutes, Biotronik, Siemens and other companies.

Other special features

PHYDINE (Physics Diversity Network Erlangen)

Further information on research activities

Website of the Student Council





top group


middle group


bottom group
Not specified
not specified


(S) = Students' judgements

(F) = Facts

(P) = Professors' judgements


Value in percent

Value in points


Thousand Euro

Last Update 2024: Data collected by the CHE Center for Higher Education
DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service