Two students in library

CHE University Ranking

Economic Sciences, Department

Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Studiengänge

Constructor University

Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Studiengänge
Department of Business & Economics
Campus Ring 1
D-28759 Bremen
Constructor Univ./Bremen (priv.)
Department on the internet
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  • Department

Basic information

Total number of students at the department


Percentage of teaching by practitioners


Support during the study entry phase

Total score for support in the study entry phase

13/16 points

Job market- and career-orientation

Bachelor theses in cooperation with work environment



Publications per professor in Business Administration

no data

Not specified
Publications per professor in Economics

no data

Not specified
Third party funds per academic

154,200 €

Doctorates per professor


Students' assessments on undergraduate, presence-learning-courses

Teacher support

Not specified
Support in studies

Not specified
Courses offered

Not specified
Study organisation

Not specified
Exam organisation

Not specified
Digital teaching elements

Not specified
Introduction to scientific work

Not specified
Offers for career orientation

Not specified
Practical orientation in teaching

Not specified
Support for stays abroad

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified
Overall study situation

Not specified
Return rate of the questionnaires

no data

Further information provided by the department

Special features regarding teaching

Economic decisions in companies and states are examined within their social, political, technical and country-specific environments. Self-determined specialisation areas of study. Interfaces to Social Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, International Relations, Methodology, Logistics, Engineering, Computer Science, Natural Sciences. Exchange and practice semesters with partners around the world. English-speaking teaching. Campus university representing over 100 countries. Practical orientation in close collaboration with industry. Studying close to research.

Special features regarding the international orientation

Lecturers with an international background; Studies with an international focus; Students from over 100 countries; Most students spend their practice semesters abroad; Studying abroad and a practice semester are integral parts of the curriculum; Regular intercultural events on campus with an academic and cultural context.

Exchange universities for stay abroads

University of San Andres, Argentina; Rice University, US; University of Edinburgh, UK; University of Aberdeen, UK; Washington State University, US; University of Haifa, Israel; IE University, Spain; University of Agder, Norway; Underwood International College, South Korea.

Special features regarding the equipment

Access to a large number of databases; Library specialisation in e-books; Modern teaching and group rooms; Projectors in all seminar rooms; WiFi across the entire campus; Various interactive e-learning tools; Social and behavioural science labs; Design Thinking lab.

Special features regarding research activities

Economic sciences are an integral part of social sciences at the Diversity department (focus). Research focuses: Diversity Management and Demographic Change, Work and Digitalisation, International Management, Public Management, Networks, Development Economics, Environmental Economics.

Support for founders

Academic events on entrepreneurship; Regular work placement events and contacts; Large number of start-ups by alumni; Presentation of these start-ups on the campus; Design thinking seminars; Annual international start-up competition organised by students and supported by the regional economy; Start-up option as an elective module with own offices and incubating facilities.

Other special features

English-language campus university; students from over 100 countries; trans-disciplinary, problem-orientated courses and research; individual student support; diverse student activities in the fields of Economics, Politics, Society, Culture, Sport, Sustainability, Responsible Leadership, etc.; diverse economic cooperation initiatives; alumni networks.

Further information on research activities

Further information about study entry phase





top group


middle group


bottom group
Not specified
not specified


(S) = Students' judgements

(F) = Facts

(P) = Professors' judgements


Value in percent

Value in points


Thousand Euro

Last Update 2023: Data collected by the CHE Center for Higher Education
DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service