Two students in library

CHE University Ranking

Industrial Engineering, Department

Fakultät für Maschinenbau

Universität Paderborn

Fakultät für Maschinenbau
Pohlweg 47 - 49
D-33098 Paderborn
Telephone: +49 5251 60-2293
Uni Paderborn
Department on the internet
Map of Germany

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  • Department

Basic information

Total number of students at the department


Number of master degree students (w/o teacher qualification)


Percentage of teaching by practitioners


Percentage of teaching by practitioners, master's


Support during the study entry phase

Total score for support in the study entry phase

12/16 points

Job market- and career-orientation

Bachelor theses in cooperation with work environment

no data

Master theses in cooperation with work environment

no data

Students' assessments on undergraduate, presence-learning-courses

Teacher support

Not specified
Support in studies

Not specified
Courses offered

Not specified
Study organisation

Not specified
Exam organisation

Not specified
Digital teaching elements

Not specified
Introduction to scientific work

Not specified
Offers for career orientation

Not specified
Practical orientation in teaching

Not specified
Support for stays abroad

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified
Overall study situation

Not specified
Return rate of the questionnaires

no data

Students' assessments on consecutive master's degree courses

Teacher support

Not specified
Support in studies

Not specified
Digital teaching elements

Not specified
Practical orientation in teaching

Not specified
Courses offered

Not specified
Study organisation

Not specified
Transition to Master's studies

Not specified
Research orientation

Not specified
Support for stays abroad

Not specified
Overall study situation

Not specified
Return rate of the questionnaires

no data

Further information provided by the department

Special features regarding teaching

Engineers with an education in Economics; Ability to work with an inter-disciplinary approach and to think holistically and strategically; identify products for the markets of tomorrow and design the necessary business processes; Engineering and Economics subjects are taught in parallel; Independent initiative; Holistic thinking; Motivation; Communications Capability.

Special features regarding the international orientation

It is through various international and programme representatives for universities in different country that the Department of Mechanical Engineering guarantees individual support for students who wish to complete parts of their course abroad. As such, the Department of Mechanical Engineering cooperates closely with the International Office of the Paderborn University. There are also various contacts to universities and companies around the world.

Exchange universities for stay abroads

Illinois State University, USA; Western Michigan University, USA; University of Alberta, Kanada; Carlos III University of Madrid, Spanien; Université du Maine, Frankreich; University College of Southeast Norway, Norwegen; Mersin University, Turkei; Chalmers University of Technology, Schweden; University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz, Polen; University of Miskolc, Ungarn; University of Liège, Belgien; Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finnland.

Special features regarding the equipment

There is WiFi available across the whole university. Effective study is supported by continuous IT development in the Faculty, provision of an e-learning environment, laboratory for Virtual Prototyping (augmented reality/virtual reality), computer pools with subject-specific software and laboratory equipment for the practical application of theoretically acquired knowledge.

Special features regarding research activities

Direct Manufacturing Research Centre, SFB 614 Self-Optimizing Systems in Mechanical Engineering, SFB TR 30 Manufacture of graded structures based on thermo-mechanically coupled phenomena, KET (Competence Centre Energy Technology), ILH (Institute for Lightweight Construction with Hybrid Systems), Fraunhofer IEM and much more

Support for founders

The University of Paderborn is one of the universities with the highest spin-off rates in North Rhine-Westphalia - and our chair would like to make a substantial contribution to this. In recent years, numerous students, graduates and academics have started companies that today work closely with the university and play an important role as contracting parties for research and development, but also as employers for graduates.

Other special features

The Paderborn Economic Engineers distinguish themselves through their ability to work across disciplines and with integrated strategies. The course fosters and promotes individual initiatives, the willingness to perform, creativity and the ability to communicate. This is underlined by exchange programmes with, for example, China. The "mb-cn" characteristic of the Master's course includes a fixed curriculum of study and practical stays in China. Selected industry partners offer grants and there are various courses on sustainability topics (e.g. Blue Engineering).

Further information on research activities

Website of the Student Council





top group


middle group


bottom group
Not specified
not specified


(S) = Students' judgements

(F) = Facts

(P) = Professors' judgements


Value in percent

Value in points


Thousand Euro

Last Update 2023: Data collected by the CHE Center for Higher Education
DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service