Historyinternational course, full time, International degree

  • Bachelor of Arts


  • 6 semesters

    Standard period of study (amount)

  • Bochum


  • January 2025 (EU)

    January 2025 (Non-EU)Please enquire

Overview and admission

Study Type


Admission semester

Summer and Winter Semester

Area of study
  • History
  • History (Teaching Degree)

A range of regional and systematic specialisations


For this course, 2 subjects are studied in equal weighting, plus an optional subject.

Admission modus

Without admission restriction

Admission requirements (Link)

Area of study

Partner institution: Université Francois-Rabelais, Tours in French Republic (International degree: Licence)

Lecture period
  • 04.10.2022 - 27.01.2023
  • 04.04.2023 - 15.07.2023

Application deadlines

Summer semester (2025)
  • Application deadline for Germans and inhabitants

    For more information, please see https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/studierendensekretariat/studium/einschreibung/index.html.de for the necessary steps to take up an open admission degree course at the Ruhr University Bochum.

  • Enrollment deadline for Germans and foreign students

    For more information please see https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/studierendensekretariat/studium/bewerbung_zulassung/hoehere_fachsemester.html.de for the necessary steps to change to a higher study semester with open admission at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

  • Deadlines for International Students from the European Union

    03.12.2024 - 15.01.2025

    The online application for the Ruhr-Universität Bochum for a summer semester is usually possible starting from the beginning of December.

  • Deadlines for international students from countries that are not members of the European Union

    03.12.2024 - 15.01.2025

    The online application for the Ruhr-Universität Bochum for a summer semester is usually possible starting from the beginning of December.

Winter semester (2024/2025)
  • Application deadline for Germans and inhabitants

    For more information, please see https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/studierendensekretariat/studium/einschreibung/index.html.de for the necessary steps to take up an open admission degree course at the Ruhr University Bochum.

  • Enrollment deadline for Germans and foreign students

    For more information please see https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/studierendensekretariat/studium/bewerbung_zulassung/hoehere_fachsemester.html.de for the necessary steps to change to a higher study semester with open admission at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

  • Deadlines for International Students from the European Union


    The online application for the Ruhr-Universität Bochum for a winter semester is usually possible starting from the beginning of June.

  • Deadlines for international students from countries that are not members of the European Union


    The online application for the Ruhr-Universität Bochum for a winter semester is usually possible starting from the beginning of June.

Tuition fee

The social contribution for the winter semester 2023/2024 is EUR 362.62.

Languages of instruction

Main language


DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service