Transport and Logistics Managementwith integrated professional training, part time degree programmes for professionals, with integrated professional experience, dual system, including practical semester, part time
- Degree
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor
- Standard period of study (amount)
- 6 semesters
- Location
- Frankfurt am Main
- Deadlines
- No information
Overview and admission
Study Type
Admission semester
Admission only in the winter trimester
Area of study
Logistics, Transport, Transport Management
Study duration: 6 semesters dual or 7 semesters part-time
Lecture period
Application deadlines
Winter semester (2020/2021)
Enrollment deadline for Germans and foreign students
Any time
Tuition fees
EUR 520 per month for 6 semesters (vocational and academic elements), EUR 445 per month for 7 semesters (part-time)
Languages of instruction
Main language
Further languages