Computer Science for Engineering Applicationsfull time
- Degree
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor
- Standard period of study (amount)
- 6 semesters
- Location
- Berlin
Overview and admission
Study Type
Admission semester
Summer and Winter Semester
Area of study
Engineering Informatics
Application Development, Internet of Things, Software Engineering, CONSTRUCTION, CAD, Mechatronics
Admission requirements
General higher education entrance qualification (Allgemeine Hochschulreife) (school leaving certificate giving right of entry to higher education (Abitur)), an entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife)/subject-specific higher education entrance qualification (Fachabitur), subject-specific or general higher education entrance qualification in accordance with Section 11 of the Berlin Higher Education Act (BerlHG) (see “Studying without ‘Abitur’”) or a recognised foreign higher education entrance qualification
Lecture period
- 01.04.2025 - 30.09.2025
- 01.10.2025 - 31.03.2026
Application deadlines
Summer semester (2026)
Deadlines for international students from countries that are not members of the European Union
01.10.2025 - 31.12.2025
Different application period for Master's degree courses: 01/10-15/12/2020
Deadlines for International Students from the European Union
15.11.2025 - 15.01.2026
Different application period for Master's degree courses: 15.11.20-15.12.2020
Application deadline for Germans and inhabitants
Expired (Universitywide deadline)
Different application period for Master's degree courses: 15.11.20-15.12.2020
Winter semester (2025/2026)
Deadlines for international students from countries that are not members of the European Union
01.04.2025 - 30.06.2025
Different application period for Master's degree courses: 15/05-15/06/2020
Deadlines for International Students from the European Union
15.05.2025 - 15.07.2025
Different application period for Master's degree courses: 15/05-15/06/2020
Application deadline for Germans and inhabitants
15.05.2025 - 15.07.2025 (Universitywide deadline)
Different application period for Master's degree courses: 15.05.-15.06.2020
Languages of instruction
Main language