Online Marketingpart time degree programmes for professionals, distance studies, part time, full time

Master of Arts (MA)
Standard period of study (amount)
4 semesters

Overview and admission

Study Type


Admission semester

Summer and Winter Semester

Area of study

Marketing, Distribution


Digital Leadership, Online User Experience, Digital Business, Data Science & Big Data Analytics, Social Media Marketing, Specialisations (e.g. Social Media Marketing, Digital Business, Digital Brand Management, etc.)


With a Master of Arts in Online Marketing, you will ensure the profitability of your business and enable new growth. This advertising tool of the future offers you versatile and attractive career opportunities. Since online marketing is so multifaceted, you can secure a profitable position in a wide range of industries and specialist areas. Do you already have a first certificate of academic degree (Bachelor's degree course or Diploma degree)? Then, depending on the degree course, we can credit you with up to 60 ECTS towards your desired course, which can save tuition fees and even reduce your period of study. Due to globalisation and digitisation, the world of marketing is subject to completely new rules. Therefore, it is essential for companies to use different online platforms to reach potential customers. With the Master's degree course in Online Marketing at AKAD University, you will acquire the skills to develop effective online marketing strategies on this basis. This opens up numerous career opportunities. By completing the Master's degree course, you will be able to optimise all online platforms so that the target group is ultimately encouraged to buy. By the way: as a student of this distance learning course, you will be able to participate in a three-week study session in Sacramento: the <a href="Das AKAD California Campus Program: Einzigartig in seiner Art target="_blank">California Campus Program</a>!

Admission modus

Without admission restriction

More information regarding admission requirements

Admission requirements

The admissions requirement is a completed academic degree worth at least 180 ECTS in the study areas Economics Industrial Engineering with a focus on Economics Business Informatics Business Psychology Banking Economic Law Finanzverwaltung (Financial Administration) Social Security or an equivalent academic degree.

Lecture period

Application deadlines

Winter semester (2024/2025)
  • Application deadline for Germans and inhabitants

    Not applicable

  • Enrollment deadline for Germans and foreign students

    Any time

Tuition fees

Tuition fees

399.00 EUR / Month

More information regarding tuition fees

Do you already have a first certificate of academic degree (Bachelor's or Diploma degree)? Depending on the degree course, we can then credit up to 60 ECTS towards your desired course. In this way, you can save on tuition fees and, in the best case, even halve the length of your studies.

Languages of instruction

Main language


Further languages


Further study programmes

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  • AKAD University of Applied Sciences in Stuttgart - state accreditedBetriebswirtschaftslehre
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    Study Mode:
    part time degree programmes for professionals, distance studies, part time, full time
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  • AKAD University of Applied Sciences in Stuttgart - state accreditedBetriebswirtschaftslehre
    Standard Period of Study:
    6 semesters
    Study Mode:
    part time degree programmes for professionals, distance studies, part time
    No information

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  • AKAD University of Applied Sciences in Stuttgart - state accreditedBetriebswirtschaftslehre - Banking und Finance
    Standard Period of Study:
    6 semesters
    Study Mode:
    part time degree programmes for professionals, distance studies, part time, full time
    No information

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These data have been kindly made available to the DAAD by the German Rectors' Conference.

DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service