Fashion Marketingfull time

  • Bachelor of Arts


  • 6 semesters

    Standard period of study (amount)

  • Berlin


Overview and admission

Study Type


Admission semester

Winter Semester only

Area of study

Marketing, Distribution


Principles of Economics, Fashion marketing, Fashion Design, Fashion Management, Practical Projects


Fashion is creativity, individuality and dynamism, but behind even the most revealing brand and the funkiest creation there are sophisticated management and marketing processes without which fashion cannot function. For this reason, the Fashion Marketing degree course provides not only a broad knowledge of all facets of fashion, but also a sound understanding of the interrelationships between markets, corporate structures and target groups. A plus of the course is the intensive promotion of communication and teamwork skills. In teaching and in practical projects, work is regularly done in teams, and ideas and strategies are repeatedly presented to real clients or within the study group. The study of fashion marketing and Berlin as a creative location offers an ideal study and starting point for a successful career in the wide world of fashion. Whether you are working in retail, marketing, management or PR, you will find the right infrastructure and players in Berlin. The integrated project degree at home or abroad provide first insights into future professional fields. Cooperation with companies, partners in practice and lecturers from practice help to establish contacts for starting a career during the degree course and to enable a smooth transition from degree to career.

Admission modus

Without admission restriction

Admission requirements (Link)

Admission requirements

-Qualification for university studies under Section 10 Berlin Higher Education Act (general entrance qualification for higher education, subject-restricted entrance qualification for higher education, entrance qualification for higher education at universities of applied sciences or comparable qualification certificate) or - University admission for professionally qualified persons according to Section 11 BerlHG (Berlin Higher Education Act) -Possibility of further study in accordance with Section 11 BerlHG (Berlin Higher Education Act)

Application deadlines

Winter semester (2023/2024)
Application deadline for Germans and inhabitants

Applications are possible at any time.

Tuition fee


650.00 EUR / Month

Fees (Link)

The tuition fees for the Bachelor degree course in Fashion Marketing B.A. amount to EUR 23,400, to be paid in 36 constant monthly instalments of EUR 650 in the full-time model. Newly enrolled students are charged a one-time examination fee of 100 euros. There are numerous possibilities for financing studies, such as BAföG (state financial support), KfW study loans (parent- and subject-independent without collateral), scholarships for outstanding students, student loans from banks, student education funds and scholarships.

Languages of instruction

Main language


DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service