Selection Criteria of the PRIME Comission

Dear applicants for PRIME,

The first call for PRIME applications was announced in 2014. Interest in the programme has remained high, therefore our selection procedure is rigorous. The average funding ratio has been about 12%. While this is rather low, one should keep in mind that PRIME offers a (temporary) position at a German university. When comparable researcher positions are advertised the number of applications per job offer is often considerably higher.

We hope that the strong competion does not discourage you from appying. We recommend that you check carefully whether you fulfil the selection criteria listed in the call for applications. If you only partially fulfil any criteria, you should provide reasons for these shortcomings. Your referee may also be able to comment on these weaknesses. In any case it is important that you highlight your strengths appropriately.

However, should you identify a considerable deficiency in your profile in comparison with programme specifications, we recommend that you discuss this with a scientist experienced in this area and decide whether it is worth submitting an application.

For your information we have put together some reviewers' comments, which refer to criticisms relevant for all disciplines.

If similar weaknesses were found in numerous applications, we have mentioned those several times so as to document their particular relevance.

We hope that this information is helpful.

With best wishes

Your PRIME team

DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service