All fields are mandatory.

  • In which country did you gain your most recent qualification?

  • Grade report

    Choose your grade report and answer each country-specific question.

    What type of grade report do you have?

    Please note:
    For Turkish general education schools, a differentiation is made between 11-year and 12-year degrees which offer students different options to accesses higher education institutions.

    All Turkish schools (including private grammar schools) generally issuing final certificates with the "12-year degree" status are specified in a table that can be found at anabin under "Institutionen/nach Institutionstyp/zwölfjährige allgemeinbildende Gymnasien".
    From 2009 onwards, all graduates of general education grammar schools in Turkey have completed 12 years of school. The recommended proposals for the "Lise Diplomasi einer 11-jährigen allgemeinbildenden Sekundarschule" (Lise Diplomasi of an 11-year general education secondary school) thus only apply to certificates granted until and including 2008; the same applies to the list "Zwölfjährige allgemeinbildende Gymnasien" (12-year general education grammar schools) under "Institutionen".

    "Imam Hatip" degrees are always considered to be 11-year degrees, even in cases where 12 years of school have been completed.

    "Anadolu" certificates are always considered to be 12-year degrees, even in cases where only 11 years of school have been completed. Note: Anadolu Imam-Hatip Lise degrees and Anadolu Teknik Lise degrees are verified on a case-by-case basis.

Your possibility of admission:

Admission to a German institution of higher education is a case-by-case decision.

A further requirement is that you can prove having passed the Turkish university entrance examination and the assignment to a degree course.

This information, prepared together with uni-assist e.V., is based on the evaluation proposals of the Standing Conference of Education Ministers (Kultusministerkonferenz), published in the anabin database of the Central Office for Foreign Education (Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen, ZAB). The evaluation proposals serve the respective certification authorities as the basis for deciding which international school diplomas can lead to access of the higher education system in Germany. The information that is found in the DAAD database serves as an orientation for international students, but it is not binding for the certification authorities
DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service