Important information for scholarship applicants

Two students read a brochure in the library

You would like to apply for a DAAD scholarship in Germany? Information and answers to questions about application conditions, requirements and the selection procedure are available here.



A. Requirements for scholarship application

  • This means that it must be a degree programme for which no general tuition fees are charged. General tuition fees are sometimes charged by private universities, for example, as well as by state universities in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg.

    The so-called "semester fees" are not general tuition fees. They are charged by all universities in Germany.

    On the subject of tuition fees, please also read question F.7 and the information on our website on the costs of living and studying in Germany.

B. Preparing your application

  • The use of artificial intelligence (AI tools) in application procedures is permitted as an aid provided that certain principles are observed:

    Adherence to good Scientific Practice: 
    Applicants must comply with the principles of good scientific practice, particularly by ensuring the protection of intellectual property and the authenticity of submitted documents. Text passages derived from secondary sources must be properly cited and labelled.

    Originality and Authenticity: 
    Even when using technical tools, the authenticity of your application must be maintained. Applicants’ unique qualities and characteristics should remain evident as these play an important role in the selection process.

    Transparency and Disclosure Requirements
    The use of AI tools must be clearly indicated by stating in your documents that text passages were created with the help of an AI tool. Include the note ‘Produced with the aid of (tool used)’.

    Data Usage Considerations: 
    You should note that data entered into AI tools may be reused by the provider. Exercising caution when handling personal data is therefore necessary.

    Declaration of Authenticity: 
    Applicants must declare that the application was prepared independently, with proper attribution of resources and adherence to the principles of good scientific practice. This declaration also confirms the accuracy and truthfulness of the application.

C. Planning your project

D. Writing your application

E. The selection procedure

F. Scholarship benefits

Additional information on music, medicine, art and architecture


DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service