Management of Product DevelopmentBerufsbegleitend, Internationaler Studiengang
- Abschluss
- Master of Science
- Master
- Regelstudienzeit
- 4 Semester
- Standort
- Karlsruhe
Überblick und Zulassung
Zulassung nur im Wintersemester
- Automatisierungstechnik
- Fertigungstechnik
- Maschinenbau
- Produktionstechnik
- Mechatronik
- Industrie und Handel
Integrierte Produktentwicklung: Prozessplanung mit z.B. Portfolioanalyse, Wertanalyse, DSM, Industrie 4.0: Strategisches Produktportfolio & Dienstleistungen, Agile Methoden & Scrum in der Produktentwicklung, Effizienzsteigerung & Target Costing in der PD, Simulationsmethoden (z. B. FEM, BEM), PLM, PDM, ERP, CRM & SCM-Systeme, Virtuelle Konstruktion (von CAD-Systemen bis CAx), Leichtbaukonstruktion, Industry 4.0: Strategic product portfolio & services
Future engineering executives working in product development or product management, e.g. in: Machinery and equipment industry Automotive industry and suppliers Measurement technology and cybernetics Major appliances industry, e.g. white goods
Keine Zulassungsbeschränkung (ggf. mit Anmelde- oder Auswahlverfahren)
- First degree: Bachelor, Diplom (Uni/FH/BA), M.Sc., etc. in a relevant subject - Min. 1-2 years of relevant work experience (depending on the first degreeŽs level) with according references - TOEFL score with a minimum of 570 points pbt, 230 points cbt, 90 points ibt - Optional: GMAT, GRE or HECTOR School Assessment
- 21.10.2024 - 15.02.2025
- 22.04.2025 - 02.08.2025
Wintersemester (2024/2025)
Bewerbungsfrist Deutsche und Bildungsinländer
Bis zum 31.07.2025
There is no application deadline. Applications can be submitted throughout the whole year. However, for a study start in the same year we recommend international applicants to submit the application until June, especially if a visa is required.
Fristen für Internationale Studierende aus der Europäischen Union
Bis zum 31.07.2025
There is no application deadline. Applications can be submitted throughout the whole year. However, for a study start in the same year we recommend international applicants to submit the application until June, especially if a visa is required.
Fristen für Internationale Studierende aus Staaten, die nicht Mitglieder der EU sind
Bis zum 31.07.2025
There is no application deadline. Applications can be submitted throughout the whole year. However, for a study start in the same year we recommend international applicants to submit the application until June, especially if a visa is required.
Einschreibefrist Deutsche und Bildungsinländer
Bis zum 30.09.2025
There is no application deadline. Applications can be submitted throughout the whole year. However, for a study start in the same year we recommend international applicants to submit the application until June, especially if a visa is required.