Entrepreneurship and Digital TransformationInternationaler Studiengang, Vollzeitstudium
- Abschluss
- Master of Arts
- Master
- Regelstudienzeit
- 3 Semester
- Standort
- München
- Fristen
- Juni 2025 (Inland)
- Juni 2025 (EU)
- Juni 2025 (Nicht EU)
Überblick und Zulassung
Zulassung nur im Wintersemester
- Digitale Medien
- Unternehmensberatung
- Unternehmensmanagement, Organisationsmanagement
Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship, Innovation Strategies, Digital Technologies, Business Model Innovation, Emerging Technologies, Leadership
Anmerkung zum Studiengang
Bewerbung nur zum Wintersemester möglich!
Keine Zulassungsbeschränkung (ggf. mit Anmelde- oder Auswahlverfahren)
1. Proof of a university degree at a university comprising at least 180 ECTS credits and at least six theoretical semesters of study, completed with an overall examination result of 2.5 or better, or an equivalent degree. An overall grade of 2.5 or better is not required in exceptional cases if the evidence is provided of above-average technical and operational performance in the context of responsibly implemented intra-/entrepreneurship or digitization projects. 2. Proof of a good command of written and spoken English. The proof is provided by the language certificates of competence level B2 as defined in the European Framework of Reference. The proof is also considered to have been provided if the applicant successfully completed an English-language education at a higher education institution. 3. Proof of suitability for the specific course of study within the framework of an aptitude test according to Para. 2.
- 15.03.2025 - 30.09.2025
- 01.10.2025 - 23.01.2026
Wintersemester (2025/2026)
Bewerbungsfrist Deutsche und Bildungsinländer
02.05.2025 - 15.06.2025
Fristen für Internationale Studierende aus der Europäischen Union
02.05.2025 - 15.06.2025
Fristen für Internationale Studierende aus Staaten, die nicht Mitglieder der EU sind
02.05.2025 - 15.06.2025
Einschreibefrist Deutsche und Bildungsinländer
02.05.2025 - 15.06.2025