Sustainability in Fashion and Creative IndustriesInternationaler Studiengang, Vollzeitstudium

Überblick und Zulassung




Zulassung nur im Wintersemester

  • Textildesign
  • Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaften (ökonomisch)

Sustainability, Marketing, Management, Design Strategies, Sustainable Business, Nachhaltigkeit, Ecological Economics, Value Chain Management, Future Consumer Lifestyles, Leadership

Anmerkung zum Studiengang

SUSTAINABLE DESIGN STRATEGIES — SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION — SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS — FUTURE CONSUMER LIFESTYLES — VALUE CHAIN MANAGEMENT — SUSTAINABLE MARKETING AND SOCIAL MEDIA — INNOVATIVE TEXTILES — ETHICS IN GLOBAL MARKETS — ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS — DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION — CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY — LEADERSHIP Developing sustainable design and management strategies in the creative industries – the Sustainability in Fashion and Creative Industries Master’s program seeks to educate experts and managers who engage in shaping the widespread global change toward sustainability. This future-oriented Master of Arts is aimed at designers, managers or entrepreneurs, who want to operate in an economically effective and at the same time responsible way. With a very interdisciplinary and hands-on structure the Master´s program covers the following areas of specialization: “Sustainable Design Strategies”, “Sustainable Production” and „Sustainable Business”. You will explore sustainable design developments and trends, innovative materials, technologies of production and marketing instruments, in order to arrange value-added chains in an ecological and social manner. You will look into the functioning of ecosystems, the origin of resources and fair labor conditions. Likewise you will gain deeper knowledge of sustainable lifestyle, business ethics and transparent corporate communications. Become a driving force for sustainable innovations! The Master study program Sustainability in Fashion and Creative Industries allows you to acquire analytical, social and creative skills needed to implement sustainable design concepts and novel business models. Workshops, excursions and practical projects with companies in the creative industries are an integral part of the master studies. You will work closely with our professors and industry experts.


Keine Zulassungsbeschränkung (ggf. mit Anmelde- oder Auswahlverfahren)

Weitere Informationen zu Zugangs- und Zulassungsbedingungen

  • 01.03.2024 - 31.08.2024
  • 01.09.2024 - 28.02.2025


Wintersemester (2022/2023)
  • Bewerbungsfrist Deutsche und Bildungsinländer

    Es existieren keine Bewerbungs- und Anmeldefristen. Es werden Verfahren zur Überprüfung der besonderen Eignung oder Fähigkeit, die zur Aufnahme eines Studiums befähigen, durchgeführt.

  • Fristen für Internationale Studierende aus der Europäischen Union

    There are no application deadlines. There are special procedures to verify the qualifications or ability to qualify for study conducted.

  • Fristen für Internationale Studierende aus Staaten, die nicht Mitglieder der EU sind

    There are no application deadlines. There are special procedures to verify the qualifications or ability to qualify for study conducted.

  • Einschreibefrist Deutsche und Bildungsinländer

    Bitte erkundigen Sie sich in unserem Hochschulsekretariat.



795,00 EUR / Monat

Studienbeitrag (Link)

Aufnahmegebühr: 595,- Euro


