Mathematics, Modeling and Data AnalyticsInternationaler Studiengang, Vollzeitstudium
- Abschluss
- Bachelor
- Bachelor
- Regelstudienzeit
- 6 Semester
- Standort
- Bremen
- Fristen
- Keine Angabe
Überblick und Zulassung
Zulassung nur im Wintersemester
Anmerkung zum Studiengang
Mathematics, Modeling and Data Analytics (MMDA) is the follow-up program of Mathematics and will start in Fall 2023! Mathematics is at the foundation of science, ranging from the beauty of theory and pure thought to applications in almost all areas of the natural sciences, engineering, economics, finance, and even the social sciences. While Mathematics is an ancient subject, and its applications also date back to many centuries, recent advances of the last two decades in Data Science have revolutionized all these applications as well as some areas of mathematics itself. A key advantage of this interdisciplinary program is that it equips students both with mathematical tools for formulating and analyzing problems as well as context provided in modeling real-world problems and algorithmic data-driven approaches towards solving them. The strong mathematical foundation sought for in the program equips students with more powerful methods of analysis and modeling problems serves as a wide source of mathematical questions.
- Bewerbungsformular (Common Application Form) - Tabellarische Darstellung der bisher besuchten Schulen (und Universitäten) - Essay - 1 Empfehlungsschreiben der Schule - Abitur oder internationales Äquivalent und Schulzeugnisse der letzten 2-3 Jahre - ggf. SAT/ACT Test ((nicht notwendig bei Vorliegen einer Hochschulzugangsberechtigung für Deutschland (Abitur)) - Englisch Sprachtest, z.B. TOEFL
- 01.09.2023 - 30.05.2024
- 01.02.2025 - 31.05.2025
The annual undergraduate tuition for Bachelor programs is 20,000 EUR. A single bedroom, a shared bathroom for two students, standard utility costs and Internet, plus three meals a day are set at 8,500 EUR per academic year for the 2023 intake. Academic achievement scholarships, tuition deferral, and financial aid are available.