International Relations: Politics and HistoryInternationaler Studiengang, Vollzeitstudium
- Abschluss
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor
- Regelstudienzeit
- 6 Semester
- Standort
- Bremen
- Fristen
- Keine Angabe
Überblick und Zulassung
Zulassung nur im Wintersemester
Internationale Beziehungen
Anmerkung zum Studiengang
The problems and threats facing the world today are complex. Navigating the international political arena and creating sustainable solutions require both a nuanced and multi-faceted approach. Thus, the International Relations: Politics and History (IRPH) program teaches students concepts and methods from a number of fields, including political science, history, law, and philosophy. The overall aim is twofold: first, to equip students with the theoretical knowledge and analytical skills required to explore the historical emergence of, and remedies for, pressing global ills. And, second, to prepare our students so they can succeed either on the job market or in graduate school. Upon graduating, about 60% of our students enter prestigious graduate schools, such as Oxford, Cambridge, London School of Economics (LSE), Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Georgetown, and Sciences Po. About 40% of our graduates opt for the job market and secure positions in traditional international relations fields, public policy, or development work as well as in the business sector, consulting, and in many other areas. The success of our students attests to the excellence of the IRPH program, which is also confirmed by the program’s outstanding rankings from the Centre for Higher Education (CHE).
- Bewerbungsformular (Common Application Form) - Tabellarische Darstellung der bisher besuchten Schulen (und Universitäten) - Essay - 1 Empfehlungsschreiben der Schule - Abitur oder internationales Äquivalent und Schulzeugnisse der letzten 2-3 Jahre - ggf. SAT/ACT Test (nicht notwendig bei Vorliegen einer Hochschulzugangsberechtigung für Deutschland (Abitur)) - Englisch Sprachtest, z.B. TOEFL
- 01.09.2023 - 30.05.2024
- 01.02.2025 - 31.05.2025
The annual undergraduate tuition for Bachelor programs is 20,000 EUR. A single bedroom, a shared bathroom for two students, standard utility costs and Internet, plus three meals a day are set at 8,500 EUR per academic year for the 2023 intake. Academic achievement scholarships, tuition deferral, and financial aid are available.