Contact: study & research in Germany

Do you still have questions about studying and research in Germany? You can simply send us an e-mail using our contact form.

Please note that to be able to answer your questions effectively, we need certain information from you. We therefore ask you to provide us with the following information:

Contact form
All fields with a * are mandatory.
First Name Surname
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Country of residence
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Country of origin (citizenship)
placeholder text

Email address
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Please repeat Email address
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Current level of education
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Please state your current level of education

Graduation year
placeholder text

Year you gained your last degree

Academic degree
placeholder text

Please state the exact name of the original document

Information about scholarship

Please state the reason for your stay in Germany. Please provide details of your project in Germany
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Which subject do you intend to study in Germany? / In which subject area do you intend to do your research in Germany?
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Please answer the following question in order to assist us to improve our service:
How did you find out about the DAAD and the information it can provide?
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Please state your request here
placeholder text

Yes, I have read the Data Privacy Statement and I agree.

Send form
DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service